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2016. 4.1(Fri.) - 4.30(Sat.) 

11:00 - 19:00(closed on Mon., Sun. & Public Holiday)


Reception 4.1(Fri.) 18:00 - 20:00

Concrete Abstract


(left) "13 layers 2" 2016, 130 x 97cm, mixed media on canvas
(right) "Boring" 2016, 130 x 97cm, mixed media on canvas


"100 titles 4" 2016, 162 x 114cm, mixed media on canvas

(left) "BA13/10" 2016, 85 x 60cm, mixed media on drywall
(right) "BA13/008" 2016, 50 x 50cm, mixed media on drywall

(参考画像) Tilt, Panic restrooms, Stavenger 2014, dimensions variable photo by Ian Cox

MEGUMI OGITA GALLERY B1 2-16-12 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo

Tilt is an internationally recognized traditional graffiti artist, originating from Toulouse in South France. A self declared “graffiti fetishist”, he learned his trade in the streets and on trains as a youngster. In the time since he did his first tags on a skateboard ramp back in ’88, his ensuing career has been nourished and influenced by extensive travel. Inspirational journeys have seen Tilt exhibit and leave his mark as far and wide as more than 25 countries.

"I'd like to explore the interpretation of 'dirty primitive graffiti' by people, using all the classic codes,
tools, materials, intentions of this art but just changing the context of it.
If a person who practice graffiti look at my work I know they will understand what I m talking about. Which are the
styles, why there’s drips and most important of all, what is the story behind a painting.
On the other point of view, a person who doesn't know about graffiti would probably see the piece differently.
Without a certain knowledge it s impossible to understand the deep meaning of this type of work and I love this idea.
But it can be also a big possibility of transforming.
Today, street art became quite mainstream and mostly represented by figurative paintings such as characters,
animals or landscape that everybody can assimilate.
What I consider the most interesting part of our culture are the stories behind the actual pieces and I try to talk about
that in my work by showing Graffiti as its more simple representation. "

Tilt loves demonstrating that basic, primitive graffiti can be as strong as complicated 3D lettering, wild styles or characters. His focus on letters, high impact shapes and strong colors is a reflection of his history as a true graffiti writer, trained on the streets and in the train yards. Following classic graffiti ideology, his individual styled name is the focal point in the majority of his paintings, in Tilt’s case a bubble letter “throw-up”. “Throw-Up” is graffiti terminology for a writer’s spray painted name incorporating fast lines and done in one or two colors, designed for fast execution.

Graffiti is a style of ultimate abstract expression to compete the formative art of the letters.
We'll find TILT's philosophy of freedom in his energetic lines on his paintings.

In this show, we will release his new 18 works :a masterpiece painted on a shed. 5 large size canvas paintings(162x114cm). 3 colorful wall paper style works(85x60cm), 6 black and white works(50x50cm) and so on.
Don't miss TILT's first solo exhibition in Japan "Concrete Abstract" at MEGUMI OGITA GALLERY.

Depuis plus de 26 ans à pratiquer le Graffiti, Tilt réalise que ce qui est le plus important et le plus singulier dans cette
peinture, ce ne sont pas les oeuvres en elles meme mais les histoires qui leur sont associées. Les intentions, l énergie,
sont bien plus représentatifs de cette façon de peindre que la plupart des réalisations finales. Les pieces présentées ne sont alors
que des prétextes a l évocation de la singularité du Graffiti dans sa pratique primaire.
Ce que le monde de l art a décidé d appeler Street art se caractérise aujourd hui par une grande majorité de représentations figuratives ou
souvent empruntées à des classiques plus anciens comme l art cinétique ou l abstraction lyrique.
En explorant la frontière entre les formes et techniques spécifiques au Graffiti et son évocation, Tilt se retrouve a la limite d une peinture
abstraite pour certains et totalement codée pour ses pairs, faisant référence ainsi, a la schizophrénie qui caractérise le Graffiti artist.

©2024 MEGUMI OGITA GALLERY All Rights Reserved.

2-16-12 B1 Ginza Chuo-ku Tokyo 104-0061 Japan

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