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パオラ・マシ / Paola Masi

2014.11.11 (Tue.) -11.29 (Sat.)

11:00 - 19:00( Closed on Sunday and Monday & Public Holiday)


TESTIMONI DI BELLEZZA 2 / Witnesses of Beauty 2

MEGUMI OGITA GALLERY 東京都中央区銀座2-16-12銀座大塚ビルB1

MEGUMI OGITA GALLERY B1 2-16-12 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo

この度銀座2丁目メグミオギタギャラリーでは10/17から11/1までshowcaseにて開催した"TESTIMONI DI BELLEZZA"展の好評を受け、11/11から11/29まで特別展を開催する運びとなりました。

 1973年イタリア生まれのパオラ・マシは、ローマ郊外の小さな町でイタリアの雄大な自然や、町を彩る建築に囲まれながら育ちました。 その後2001年よりイギリス、フランス、メキシコ、スペインで陶芸の修行を積みながら個展を開きキャリアを重ね、現在はスペインを制作の拠点として活躍しています。
 作品を形作ってゆく中で、マシは、素材の持つ質量と、釉薬の色、ろくろの動き、そして自分の手が完全に調和する均衡点を慎重に探ってゆきます。 ”less is more =余計なものは要らない”この言葉に、マシの陶芸アーティストとしての美意識が集約されていると言っても過言ではないでしょう。

 今展のタイトルでもある"TESTIMONI DI BELLEZZA"とは、作家の母語であるイタリア語で「美の目撃者たち」を意味します。showcaseの個展時とは異なる新たな構成で披露する"TESTIMONI DI BELLEZZA 2"、是非ご高覧下さい。


Paola Masi was born in Rome on the 11th of April 1973. 
 She first began throwing pots at Camberwell College of Arts, London in 2001. She has studied and lived in England, Mexico, Italy and Spain. In 2003 she took the opportunity to study as an apprentice alongside Master Potter Owen Watson in Onzain, France.

 Through the apprenticeship she had the great privilege to access the very essence of pottery in its pure approach inspired mainly by Song as well as Korean and Japanese ceramics.
As a student of Sufi philosophy she is inspired in her continued search for the essence of beauty in all its forms: in music, in philosophy, in poetry and most of all in nature.

 Having grown up in a small town outside Rome, she was influenced by the Italian landscape, design, art and architecture.
 Since 2003 she has exhibited in Spain, Italy, Mexico and Japan. In 2007 she co-founded LaNaveBCN studios in Barcelona with British sculptor Sophie-Elisabeth Thompson, where Masi continues to throw and teach her craft.

 "I throw with porcelain and stoneware on a kick-wheel and fire at 1280º in an electric kiln.
I look for rhythm and harmony between the shapes , glazes, the turning wheel and my hands.
 Turning , moving clay requires a still mind in order to allow the creation of a form where less is more.
Porcelain bodies: pure whiteness underneath dark black or green glazes.
Bowls as empty vessels,glazes as minerals with water through fire.Stillness in movement, silence in music: pots as witnesses of Beauty.
 This collection of works are the outcome of the last years of my journey through the ceramic world."

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