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Issei Otani
2020.11.17 (Tue.) - 12.5 (Sat.)
11:00 - 19:00

Closed on Sunday, Monday and public holidays

360 ° online viewing available from here




“There Is an Upper” 2019, 162.1 x 112cm, mixed media on canvas


“Mantis in the Studio” 2020, 112.1 x 162.1cm, acrylic on canvas


“Star Song” 2020, 162.1 x 162.1cm, mixed media on canvas

MEGUMI OGITA GALLERY B1 2-16-12 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo

We are pleased to hold an exhibition "WHERE IS LOVE." by Issei Otani at MEGUMI OGITA GALLERY.


Born in 1977, Issei Otani studied in the Department of Art at Wako University, and he enthusiastically creates works based on his familiar objects. Works created with the opening of THE AOYAMA GRAND HOTEL this year are on permanent display in guest rooms and corridors, showing a wide range of activities regardless of genre.


Otani paints with acrylic and spray and other materials. The intense and emotional works that reflect his inner world and the depiction, that emphasizes his subjective process of consciousness by distorting objects, are reminiscent of Western modern art, particularly expressionism. In contrast, the influence of Eastern traditional art can also be seen everywhere, such as the planar composition, the liveliness due to the strength and delicacy of lines, and the graphic and striking expression that makes you feel like it is ink-wash painting without sketch. He continues to pursue his potential as an artist in contemporary Japan, a fusion of the East and the West.


One of the characteristics of Otani's works is the sense of "time" cultivated through music production. The powerful and radiant eyes of the people and animals in his works rather foretell the coming end of life and evoke complicated emotions in the viewers. The contrasting motifs of life and death indicates the beginning and the end of the universe, the colors as life or the present, and the absence of colors as the past. Musical dynamics is also seen, with the transition from the parts to the whole, such as the development of each song = painting to the formation of an album = exhibition as one.


In this exhibition, approximately 20 works, mainly the latest ones, will be on display. Just like hip-hop, which creates entirely new music by sampling different elements, the works based on the artist’s diverse experiences will always stimulate viewers and give them a fresh impression. Issei Otani’s solo exhibition "WHERE IS LOVE." will also be exhibited on the website for those who cannot come to the venue.

“Bansky” concurrently held at the project room

5 prints on display

For safety reasons, the gallery staff wear masks, disinfect their fingers, clean and ventilate the space.
We would appreciate your understanding and cooperation on the following points.

- Please wear a mask when you visit here.

- Please keep an interval between you and other visitors.
- If you are not feeling well such as fever, colds and taste disorders, please    refrain from visiting.
- If you have a coronavirus infection near your home, workplace, or school,    please refrain from visiting.

©2024 MEGUMI OGITA GALLERY All Rights Reserved.

2-16-12 B1 Ginza Chuo-ku Tokyo 104-0061 Japan

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