2020.10.30 (Fri.) - 11.7 (Sat.)
Open every day during the exhibition
HxS Softvinyl Kaiju Exhibition 2020

We are pleased to hold the exhibition “HxS Softvinyl Kaiju Exhibition 2020” at MEGUMI OGITA GALLERY.
In order to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infection, we ask for your cooperation in the following.
- Reservations are required for this exhibition. The admission limit is 15 people per hour (one-hour shift).
- Since it is difficult for people from overseas to come to Japan, 360° online viewing will be open on our website during the exhibition.
- In terms of softvinyl sales, please visit HxS Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/hxsxk) for information. They will be fairly sold there by lottery later.
- Even if you cannot come to the venue, you will be able to participate in the lottery for softvinyl toys later. Please be assured.
Reservation from here
"Softvinyl Kaiju Exhibition" (2017)
For safety reasons, the gallery staff wear masks, disinfect their fingers, clean and ventilate the space.
We would appreciate your understanding and cooperation on the following points.
- Please wear a mask when you visit here.
- Please keep an interval between you and other visitors.
- If you are not feeling well such as fever, colds and taste disorders, please refrain from visiting.
- If you have a coronavirus infection near your home, workplace, or school, please refrain from visiting.