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Fukuo Tanaka

2016. 11.18(Fri.) - 12.24(Sat.) 
11:00 - 19:00(closed on
Mon., Sun. & Public Holiday)

Reception 11.18(Fri.) 18:00-20:00


Flower Offerings


MEGUMI OGITA GALLERY B1 2-16-12 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo

MEGUMI OGITA GALLERY is pleased to present Fukuo Tanaka’s 2nd exhibition of glass works, “Flower Offerings”.

Tanaka had studied glass craft at a vocational college and now he releases new works as “topnoch” which is his own brand's name.
And he created glasses for eyes of Tsuchiya's sculpture works, and it had a really important part of the sculture.
He uses Borosilicate Glass and it needs high technic to handle the glass. Also he uses a technic which is called “Inside-out” to create patterns look like flowers inside the glass.

Tanaka will release around 50 new works of pendants or objects etc.
We hope you enjoy Fukuo Tanaka’s exhibition, “Flower Offerings” at project room of MEGUMI OGITA GALLERY.


©2024 MEGUMI OGITA GALLERY All Rights Reserved.

2-16-12 B1 Ginza Chuo-ku Tokyo 104-0061 Japan

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