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Conveyance to Branches

We are pleased to announce Fukuo Tanaka‘s solo exhibition "Conveyance to Branches" at MEGUMI OGITA GALLERY. Tanaka, who creates works using heat-resistant glass with high transparency called borosilicate glass, studied at an art school and now presents works under his own brand "Topnoch". He is in charge of creating staring glass eyes with the white, irises and pupils for Yoshimasa Tsuchiya’s wood carvings, as we saw at Tsuchiya’s exhibition "Chimera" in March 2021.

Tanaka, who has pursued the characteristics of borosilicate glass, freely creates dainty and delicate works with the distinctive technique called "inside out". He uses a burner to heat another glass, that is dotted on the outside of glass rod, and change it into various patterns as it melts and goes inside. Then he creates what he imagines and shapes the whole at the same time. The unique colours are created by intricate layers of various glass and vaporised metals such as pure gold and silver. The works are reminiscent of natural and universal beauty, such as snow crystals, web veins, shell spirals and honeycomb structures, which exist in the world according to certain rules without human hands.

In this exhibition, Tanaka will present approximately 60 new works of inward condensation, like flowers blooming in glass, meanwhile two or three works that explore forms spreading outwards as a completely new experiment. Inspired by the appearance of trees in the garden, which withstands wind and rain, he came up with the idea of connecting glass to the outside by means of imagination and structure. About the new work "Selfish", he says: "Even though the external force may cause parts of glass that is unable to bear the weight, if I melt and multiply it freely and honestly, the glass will naturally transform itself into its own ideation, as if it has a will. At the end of branching out, there may be an expression that can only be achieved with borosilicate glass." We hope you have a look at his ambitious works in which he pursues further possibilities as a glass artist.

Yoshimasa Tsuchiya’s solo exhibition "Phylogenesis" will be held here on the same dates.


November 18 - December 10, 2022

Noon - 6 PM 

Closed on Sunday, Monday and Public holiday


2-16-12 B1 Ginza Chuo-ku Tokyo 104-0061 Japan

*You may be asked to wait for admission when the gallery is crowded in order to prevent infection with COVID-19.

田中福男 / Fukuo Tanaka

会場 : メグミオギタギャラリー

東京都中央区銀座2-16-12銀座大塚ビルB1 03-3248-3405

会期 : 2022年11月18日(金)- 12月10日(土) 12:00 - 18:00
休廊日 : 日・月・祝


理化学ガラスという透明度の高い耐熱性のガラスを使用して制作する田中は、ガラス工芸の専門学校で学んだ後、現在は「Topnoch(トップノッチ)」というブランド名で作品を発表しています。昨年3月に弊廊にて開催した土屋仁応彫刻展「キメラ」では、木彫作品のガラスの玉眼を担当し、白眼・虹彩・瞳孔によって見つめる瞳を表現 しました。

高度な技術を要する理化学ガラスの技法研究と制作を続けた田中は、「インサイドアウト」と呼ばれる技法を用い、自由自在に可憐で繊細な作品を制作します。形を作ってからクリアガラスを被せるのではなく、棒状のガラスの外側に点で打った別のガ ラスをバーナーで熱し、それらが溶けて内側に入っていく過程で様々な模様に変化し、全体の成形と同時に作家のイメージする世界を生み出します。独特の色彩は、多彩な色ガラスと気化蒸着させた純金、純銀などの金属を複雑に重ねて作られるもの です。

今展では今までの流れを汲み、ガラスの中に花を咲かせるように、内側への凝縮を表現した新作約 60点、一方全く新たな試みとして、外へ広がる形を探求、具現化した意欲作を3-4点展示致します。


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